Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Web Presence

On Monday I attended a panel discussion with Jill Alexander (author of THE SWEETHEART OF PROSPER COUNTY and Michael Bourrett (agent at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management) that covered what you should expect after your manuscript is accepted. Among other topics I was glad to hear them talk about the importance of a web presence. What is a web presence? A blog, a website, a Facebook page can be your web presence. Whatever your choice is it needs to be a hub for librarians, schools, local news outlets, etc. who are interested in your books so they can track you down.

This web presence can be as fancy as you can manage but it must be easy to navigate. They also agreed that it is important to have this presence set up before you get published. The reason being is that you don’t want to be navigating the world of edits, rewrites, signings, etc. and have to worry about setting up a website.

Obviously for me this was nice to hear since I am a ways off from publication right now and I have these things in place. I will be moving almost everything to my website in the next few months to help centralize my web presence. I will be adding an e-mail address to my web domain soon and I have installed blog software to my website (although I won’t be moving this blog there anytime soon) to help round out my web presence centralization.

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