Sex and Salmonella sketches
and early design mockups.
This concept sketch is quite a bit more refined than Funeral Food but I still wanted to add way too many elements into the frame.
The first "frame" and you can see why it was quickly rejected. For some reason I thought the tarp and cardboard were going to work.
The custom carnival font made its first appearance, though. The carnival font spurred a thought to make the "frame" look like a vintage carnival poster
The custom carnival font made its first appearance, though. The carnival font spurred a thought to make the "frame" look like a vintage carnival poster
The vintage carnival poster made its debut with the third version. I knew I had a keeper with that design but I ran into a wall when it came time to add the inside elements.
As with the Funeral Food cover, cutting the clutter was the key. I cut the initial elements by 2/3 (I won't bore you with those covers) and then I cut the number of elements again for the final version
As with the Funeral Food cover, cutting the clutter was the key. I cut the initial elements by 2/3 (I won't bore you with those covers) and then I cut the number of elements again for the final version